CanvasRebel - Meet Carrington Kelso

Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?

As a Black, queer artist trying to navigate the entertainment industry and the fragrance industry my entire journey has been one of resilience. Like many artist, I have heard the word “no” more times than I can count. From American Idol, The Voice, The Glee Project, The X Factor and more; all no. Yet, I persevered. I was also raised by a single mother, and my grandmother. I should have been a statistic. Yet, I persevered. I know my journey is bigger than just me and my desires, so I persevere.

I also do not “look like a pop star” according to the music industry, but I have the audacity to challenge the status quo and I believe I will be reward for that. I persevere for every Black boy, queer boy, Black youth, queer youth, and every other community I intersect who has never seen themselves reflected in the entertainment space or the entrepreneurial space. I know it is difficult, if not impossible, to be what you cannot see and so I will be just that; a beacon for the world of “misfits” to see themselves reflected in space that couldn’t have dreamed up for themselves.

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Carrington Kelso
Voyage ATL - Check Out Carrington Kelso’s Story

Growing up, we could not afford things like private lessons and it made me doubt my self-worth and my abilities as a singer. I believed that I could never be as big as my idol, Beyoncé, let alone my peers who had been taking music lessons since they were five years old. Pair that insecurity with questions surrounding my sexuality and how that identity intersects with my Black identity, and you get a ball of anxiety and depression.

I left high school still the shy, insecure, people pleaser I had always been. I had a lot of friends in high school and I believe it was because I was never too big; never took up too much space; never stood in my truth.

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Carrington KelsoComment
Gay Music - In the Key of Q featuring: Carrington Kelso

Carrington offers his thoughts on coming to terms with his unique voice despite initial attempts to sound more like his icons Adele, Ed Sheeran and John Mayer. He talks about the unique intersectionality between Queer and Black identities, and how toxic indoctrination from religious ideologies led him into dark mental health corners. He discusses how his shy teen self, riddled with shame, turned into an extreme people-pleaser and he celebrates the brilliant, strong Black women that provided the backbone of his upbringing.

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Black and Queer: Part 2 featuring: Carrington Kelso, Ty McKinnie, The IZM, and Sampson McCormick (Copy)

The two-part special is guest presented by Carrington Kelso, a Atlanta-based Black, Queer singer whose own episode will drop on 20 July. He discusses this unique Queer identity with three guests: Ty McKinnie, The IZM and award-winning comedian Samson McCormick who is making his first appearance on the podcast. Each of the men provides a passionate, intelligent and truly individual perspective on the subject.

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Black and Queer: Part 1 featuring: Carrington Kelso, Ty McKinnie, The IZM, and Sampson McCormick

The two-part special is guest presented by Carrington Kelso, a Atlanta-based Black, Queer singer whose own episode will drop on 20 July. He discusses this unique Queer identity with three guests: Ty McKinnie, The IZM and award-winning comedian Samson McCormick who is making his first appearance on the podcast. Each of the men provides a passionate, intelligent and truly individual perspective on the subject.

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ShoutOutAtlanta - Meet Carrington Kelso: Singer Songwriter, Producer, & Creative Director

At my core, I am a storyteller. I love using music as a medium to tell my story. Besides my unique voice, I believe that my story telling is what sets me apart from so many other artists. Looking back at all the music I’ve released thus far, lyrics are what I take the most pride in.

This journey has been anything but easy for me. I was raised by a single mother and a God-fearing Grandmother. They loved on me something serious and instilled in me the belief that I am a leader, never a follower. That ideal has stuck with me more than any other lesson in my life and has kept me on track for accomplishing anything I set my mind to.

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Carrington Kelso