CanvasRebel - Meet Carrington Kelso

Carrington , appreciate you joining us today. Can you talk to us about a project that’s meant a lot to you?

The most meaningful project I’ve worked on to-date is my newest album, “First, We Fall” dropping September 22, 2022. The world has been so strange over the past three or so years. Between a global pandemic, a government hell bent on sending the USA back to the Stone Age, the increasing racial tension within our nation, and the economic state of the world, it’s a wonder how ANYONE is surviving let alone thriving in this climate. In the midst of ALL of that, I happen to get into my first relationship and had to learn to navigate that as well. As a creative, I have always made sense of my world through music and so I wrote my way through the infancy of my relationship.

“First, We Fall” is the rose colored glasses of a relationship; it is the lust turned love and I could not be more proud of it. As a Black, queer, artist it is very rare to hear and artist that looks like me talk about relationships and love with the nuance of our straight counterparts. I wanted to use this album as a pillar of reflection for any queer person who’s ever been in love, or craves love, but didn’t quite have the words for it. Representation is so important and I want to be that representation for all of my communities.

Read the full interview: HERE

Carrington Kelso